tanninstarflare replied to your postWe took Fel to the American Girl Place to “meet a…

Up until she and her siblings figure out how to bring the doll to life

Loki deadass sat ‘em all down for a Talk about that while I got Fel through the initial excitement of seeing the “American Girl” sign (she recognized the logo from the catalogs my mother gets)

So yeah, magical animation of Felan’s new doll is punishable by specifically tailored haunting. As conceived by Loki. Who knows all of his children’s fears, both great and small.

hi evry body it is felan i am at gramma and papas farm i got too com heer aftur school tooday beecuz it wuz my birthday yesturday and toomaro mama says we ar guna go too a supriz plase i am egsited too go thank you too evry body that sayd happy birthday too me yesturday i love all uv you beecuz you ar my fans allso i lik tiping its vary fun okay love you bye