


it’s that time again, time for the young avengers wild halloween party! you are all invited (yes, you!), but you have to come in costume. this year’s theme is classic disney.

i’m working on a cheshire cat costume because the color scheme is on point and if i have to leave at any point i can just leave a printed out mysterious grin behind and it’s like i’m still there. foolproof.

reply and let me know if you’re coming and what you’re dressing as.

I think Loki (the smaller one) is coming as Maleficent so I don’t know what to do honestly. Maybe I’ll get Foggy to be Belle and we’ll be beauty and the beast

Correct, I am!

I think Hela is also coming as Maleficent, which is why I’m coming as the dragon version.

I bet you could be a very good Beast.

I am planning on being the dark fairy Maleficent, as I won the right by combat.

I believe Vali is going as a sort of… Doctor Facilier/Horned King hybrid?

Nari’s going as Disney’s other evil wizard, Jafar. He has been trying to train Beryl to sit on his shoulder like Iago, but so far she has no interest in cooperating.

Fenris, my lazy genius brother, is going as “Hipster Gaston” which consists of wearing a flannel shirt and jeans with a rack of antlers slung over his shoulder.

On the other end of the spectrum, you have Jor, who plans on going as Ursula – or, rather, their costume theme is Ursula. I am not entirely certain what that means, other that knowing that glitter is involved.

And then there is Sleipnir, who, last I heard, was still trying to convince Darcy that Darth Vader technically counts as a Classic Disney Villain.

– Hela

Boozy Bird! Team Loki-Lewis are (hopefully) coming to the YA party as the Disney Villains Crew (some might be genderbent) and… whatever Felan decides she’s going to be. Currently it’s a toss-up between “Magical Mickey” from Fantasia, a Heartless, or Ponyo. And yes, I am *fully* aware that 2/3 of those aren’t Classic Disney characters. You’re welcome to try convincing the 5 year old of that fact. – Darcy



felan is nailing it. can’t wait to see which one she picks!

Imma be Maleficent!

Think again, Little Father. 
Think again.

– Hela


Accepting the fact that  there could be a legitimate need for an Official Zombie Survival Plan in the future took longer than actually putting together the Official Zombie Survival Plan.

Please tell me it is not “Let Hela deal with them”. I cannot be responsible for, nor can I control, all manner of the undead. I can dispatch them, yes, but I do so through obliteration that is just as, if not more, easily done with weapons or seidr.

I have explained this, my draugr are not ‘any old’ dead bodies, there are special requirements, it – it is not as if I can simply walk up to the newly laid grave of a matronly pensioner and command her to take up her weapon and fulfill her destiny as a soldier in the army of the damned.

Well… If said matronly pensioner happened to have committed gross acts of violence before her demise, then I suppose I could put her under geas, but that sort of thing has only happened a handful of times over the centuries and is generally not worth the hassle.

– Hela


Hela, please stop sending me photos of your latest pet eldritch abominations with the caption “look at your beautiful grandchild″. You know how hard it can be to tell pets and progeny apart around here, please don’t make it harder by referring to something you had no genetic/magic sharing role in the conception/creation/sentience achieving of as your offspring. 

Thank you.


*blurry video clarifies into a gorgeous riot of golds, reds, purples, oranges and yellows as Jormungandr slowly films the forest around the Lakehouse. He begins to softly narrate the scene*

“Autumn. The time of year in which the deciduous trees of Vanaheim burst into glorious colours before shedding their leaves…”

*more slow panning, stopping on a massive, fully wolfed-out Fenris, standing on a tarp in the yard, as Hela brushes out his fur with what looks like a modified rake. Jormungandr’s voice takes on a teasing tone*

“…And wolves shed their summer coat.”

*Fenris sighs as Hela nods emphatically, stepping around a pile of black fur that’s roughly the size of a Newfoundland dog as she continues to groom their brother*

*blurry video clarifies into a gorgeous riot of golds, reds, purples, oranges and yellows as Jormungandr slowly films the forest around the Lakehouse. He begins to softly narrate the scene*

“Autumn. The time of year in which the deciduous trees of Vanaheim burst into glorious colours before shedding their leaves…”

*more slow panning, stopping on a massive, fully wolfed-out Fenris, standing on a tarp in the yard, as Hela brushes out his fur with what looks like a modified rake. Jormungandr’s voice takes on a teasing tone*

“…And wolves shed their summer coat.”

*Fenris sighs as Hela nods emphatically, stepping around a pile of black fur that’s roughly the size of a Newfoundland dog as she continues to groom their brother*