


So apparently I’ve replaced a previous me from this universe and now I feel like life is a lie and nothing is real

I… yeah. I’m Jor. Jormungandr. I’m… I’m not sure if you’ve heard of me or not – I know there’s a bunch of my shit in Johnny’s room at the Baxter – hell, I don’t even know if you’re living at the Baxter. I was… Johnny – the other Johnny – and I were together until we weren’t taking a break complicated

You… If you want to know the guy you… replaced. He left a lot of stuff here. Clothes, which… You probably won’t want, but there’s… His X-box and games, a bunch of dvds, his weight set… The rocket ship lava lamp he made… His tool box, welding torch, the motorcycle he was rebuilding… Stuff like that.

I was gonna… I wasn’t sure if… you would want it, because you aren’t him, but… It’s here, if you do.

He left to “figure things out” and 

Sorry, that was really awkward. This is really awkward. 

Maybe you could come over for coffee 

Sorry. You probably don’t want  You need to figure out who you are in this world, not who he was. 

– Jormungandr

Sure, I wouldn’t mind coffee. Wouldn’t mind looking at that stuff. Hell a lot of it I actually had over in my…..universe? Dimension? Earth? It all confuses me. Portals isn’t my thing.

Clothes would be perfect, actually….and maybe a place to stay. I’ve been staying with Sue…..and………I think she’s starting to hate me.

Well… I’ve got an alchemy lab studio… office… thing with a futon, if you don’t mind the inevitable awkward moments that will occur when crashing with a non-binary shapeshifting sea serpent frost giant demi-god artist mage vigilante SHIELD consultant being that was in a relationship with a different version of you


I’m sorry about how awkward I am about this

– Jor


So apparently I’ve replaced a previous me from this universe and now I feel like life is a lie and nothing is real

I… yeah. I’m Jor. Jormungandr. I’m… I’m not sure if you’ve heard of me or not – I know there’s a bunch of my shit in Johnny’s room at the Baxter – hell, I don’t even know if you’re living at the Baxter. I was… Johnny – the other Johnny – and I were together until we weren’t taking a break complicated

You… If you want to know the guy you… replaced. He left a lot of stuff here. Clothes, which… You probably won’t want, but there’s… His X-box and games, a bunch of dvds, his weight set… The rocket ship lava lamp he made… His tool box, welding torch, the motorcycle he was rebuilding… Stuff like that.

I was gonna… I wasn’t sure if… you would want it, because you aren’t him, but… It’s here, if you do.

He left to “figure things out” and 

Sorry, that was really awkward. This is really awkward. 

Maybe you could come over for coffee 

Sorry. You probably don’t want  You need to figure out who you are in this world, not who he was. 

– Jormungandr